Vuzix's HMDs for Quest3D
Support all types of Vuzix's HMDs in your Virtual Reality application!
Our list of custom channels with examples allows you to use full potential of new and old Vuzix's HMDs (including iWear VR920, Wrap 920VR, Wrap 920AR, Wrap 1200VR) in your Quest3D VR application.
With these channels you can:
fully work with head-tracking (get data, set zero, calibrate, filter),
set up and fully control stereoscopic rendering,
detect what specific Vuzix HMD is connected to PC.
Package includes list of channels:
WrapTracker6TC - main channel, which obtains head-tracking data (3DOF for VR920 and 6DOF* for Wrap), enable VR920 filtering and detects HMD model ID
WrapTrackerZeroSet - allows to initialize "zero" direction for head-tracking in any time
WrapTrackerStartCalibration - start tracker calibration procedure (during procedure, calibration values are shown in WrapTracker6TC channel)
WrapTrackerEndCalibration - stop calibration and apply calibration data
WrapStereoOn - turn on side-by-side stereoscopy mode (Wrap only)
WrapStereoOff - turn off side-by-side stereoscopy mode (Wrap only)
* - Currently obtaining X,Y,Z position info is in prototype state in Vuzix SDK.
For iWear VR920 page-flip stereoscopy check this guide VR920 stereoscopic rendering in Q3D
Channels usage is easy and straight-forward, Full feature Q3D example included in the package!
This is software only kit, you need to purchase hardware separately.